About Us

In Fem Homes we know that the environment in which we live is one of the determining factors of our quality of life. From the geographical area in which we are, city or country, through our work environment to our home, all are factors that directly affect our mind and body.

Many times we feel that we have little control over our decisions. We choose to live in a city over a town because of the ease of getting a job and then work in work environments that are far from pleasant spaces that enhance our best skills.

For all these reasons we should consider our home as our refuge, a place where we can relax and feel protected.

As a result of the events caused by the pandemic we are going through, our home, now more than ever, is no longer the place to return to after the working day to enjoy our leisure and rest time there, but it is once again our home, a place where we can combine our work and personal lives.

Our homes, for the most part, have been designed to cover needs that are currently changing, and many people have difficulty integrating their new workplace into spaces that were designed for completely different and often not very compatible uses.

In the same way that we contact professionals when we need assistance on topics we do not know in very different fields, from medicine to manicure, design professionals should be among the first to go when we decide to act in our home to adapt it to our needs, and not the other way around as it is usual, adapting our life to spaces designed by others without taking into account the individuality of who occupies them.

Design involves several dimensions that go beyond appearance, shape and color, mainly covering the function of an object or a space and its interaction with the user. During the planning process of a home, in addition to the functionality, the operability, the efficiency and the useful life of the design object, the personality and customs of its inhabitants must be taken into account in order to create a concept of sustainability in which all its occupants feel benefited.

Fem Homes is born from the constant need we have to look for solutions to problems that we usually assume as necessary in our homes, such as a bad distribution of spaces and the difficulty to feel comfortable in environments that are not designed or adapted to our needs and personal characteristics.

Through individualized advice, with solutions adapted to the space and needs of each person, in Fem Homes we put ourselves at your service to redefine together optimal work and living environments to achieve the highest professional performance by conditioning the homes so that we can cultivate healthy lifestyles and at the same time prevent health problems.